bookmark_borderIntroducing The Paper Tongues

Introducing The Paper Tongues… meets Jordan Hardee (drums) and Cody Blackler (keyboards) before they go on stage at the Chameleon Club in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

More Paper Tongues

bookmark_borderBuddy Cash Band Fleetwood Mac Beatles Medley on a musical sojourn with the Buddy Cash Band as they go from Lindsey Buckingham and Fleetwoord Mac to the Beatles *Dear Prudence*.

Shot at Tom n’ Jerrys in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

Buddy Cash Band
Buddy Cash Band at Tom 'n Jerrys Media PA

bookmark_borderSinister Realm and KingArthur *With Swords Held High* gets the pleasure to video Sinister Realm performing two songs from the new album, The Crystal Eye: *Tormentor (Deliver Us)* and *With Swords Held High*

Recorded at Dobbs, South Street, Philadelphia, PA in the year 2011 AD With Swords Held High seems… fitting 🙂