bookmark_borderCOVID Scientists: Dr. Ade Wentzel, Robert Miller, and Guy Richards

Dr. Ade Wentzel (Port Elizabeth, South Africa), Robert Miller (Cape Town) and Guy Richards (Johannesburg) have discovered COVID Long Haulers Syndrome is COVID Induced Secondary Pellagra (CISP).

By treating the population for pellagra:
* new COVID cases can be prevented (prophylactic)
* the severity and duration of COVID symptoms can be reduced (treatment)
* COVID-long can be cured (cure)

THE PROTOCOL: Niacin B3, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, and Selenium.

COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Novel Coronavirus

COVID-19 Emergency Management Plan

NAD+ Plus Immune System Diet

COVID-19 Induced Secondary Pellagra (CISP) and the Coronavirus Cure

COVID-19 Testimonial
There may be a complete recovery from COVID.

COVID: Interview
Could Niacin B3 and NAD+ be a prophylactic and a treatment for COVID-19?

COVID-19: NAD+ Protocol
NAD+ is a crucial part of the immune system. COVID depletes your NAD+. The body needs the time and materials necessary to replenish NAD+.
Included in the elements you need are Vitamin B3, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, and Selenium.

COVID, Tryptophan, Stress, Anxiety, and Pellagra
COVID depletes your NAD+. The body depletes tryptophan trying to make NAD+. This causes anxiety.

COVID, Vitamin K, and NAD+
… low NAD+ will result in low Vitamin K metabolism interfering with blood thinner medications and blood coagulation.

COVID Long Haulers Syndrome: NAD+ Deficiency
Research by Ade Wentzel, Robert Miller, and Guy Richards has found COVID-long (Long Haulers Syndrome) is a result of an NAD+ deficiency caused by SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus).